Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Small Things

So, God has continued to speak to me about peace- I guess you could say, this entire month, God has been putting that in my head.

Finally figured out why.

I wonder what the Bible says about indecisiveness. It’s probably a sin... I should study the subject and get back to you!

Anyway. God sat me down during church this last Sunday. Totally convinced that I was going to be convicted to go to one school and that God was just gonna make it crystal-clear during the sermon.

Instead, God instructed me to pray and make a decision before I left that church.

I had been going back and forth... probably all semester. I didn’t realize how much stress that created for myself- until I made a decision and until I called this decision my own.

See... I was getting so caught up in making the wrong decision. That if I chose the wrong place... I would ruin my entire future. I’ve always made decisions like a chess player.... when I was little, I used to be awesome at chess, then my dad stopped playing with me and I forgot how to play.

But, what I realized and came to conclude is that.... “All the small things that we do, make up the big things in this life. So, if all my small things are honoring to God, then so will the big things.”

So, what I’m trying to say, it doesn’t matter where I go, as long as what I do in the process is honoring to God.

I’ll explain more about my decision when the time comes, but I just wanted to share this.

I also wanted to share how freeing it feels.... I didn’t even realize the burden I was carrying with this decision, but once I committed to one... I’ve felt more sane, more myself ever since- being home has helped too.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Goodness Gracious!
Has anyone else noticed how popular blogging has gotten all of a sudden/// again, I mean, I'm pretty sure it was really popular back when internet was just becoming popular.
Okay, maybe not that long ago... but, let's just go with 2005.
Anyway. I started my blog when I started college, because I wanted to document my college journey through it. Then I kind of got immature and missused it... kind of like what I did with this one a few months ago.... [joke, kind of, sort of... let's just laugh about it...]
But... I was so embarrassed by my immaturity that I just blocked it from the world- I didn't delete mind you, I personally can still read my freshman experiences, but you cannot!

But, I'm just impressed with how well other people write and I've realized... I need to pick up my game. Of course, I like keeping it a simple subject, easy to follow thing. Besides... my mind moves and thinks so much.... that you probably wouldn't be able to keep up with my brain's comprehensiveness.
See.... I'm not even sure if I made sense just there... I mean, it made sense to me, I'm just not too sure about you.
And... now that I've gotten on so many tangents, I forgot why I was writing this in the first place....
Oh. yes. So many others have been blogging, and I love it. Especially when they are my Christian friends talking about what God is teaching them. It's beautiful to learn from that kind of community. For me, it makes the Christian faith come alive.
So... fellow Christian bloggers, I encourage you to continue writing and processing your thoughts out loud, because you don't know who is reading, and when you're open and honest with what God is teaching you, and what your flaws are... you make Christianity tangible.
And, I also believe, it makes you more authentic. Thank you.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Brotherly Love

Last week at church we went over Romans 12: 9-21.

My pastor said that these verses tell us how to love.

Some of these instructions are easier then others.

But, particularly verse 10 says to “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love....”
My pastor talked about what brotherly love is. For some reason I never really thought about what this means before. I thought brotherly love was just the love all us Christians just share together; and yes, that is partially true.

But brotherly love is family love. It’s letting arguments go, it’s letting the water go under the bridge, because when it comes down to it; whatever they’ve done doesn’t matter, because they are your family.

Thankfully, God has blessed me with good Christian friends that I honestly do consider my family, more then they probably realize. People that I have experienced true brotherly love with, we’ve had to put our water under the bridge... and when it was all said and done, we were all blessed because of it.

Another thing that sticks out to me, that I would like to share from this sermon is about making peace.

I’ve wondered this for a while, I don’t know if I shared these thoughts before- But if God is on our side, and He will avenge our enemies... how does that work when we are enemies with our brother and sisters in Christ?

Well, I realized that as brothers and sisters in Christ, we’re suppose to be at peace with each other, we’re commanded to love and live differently from the world. How can God be for one of His children and not for the other? How can we be examples to this world if we can’t put away our differences to love another sibling in Christ?

God’s really been speaking to me about peace lately. I’m afraid that I’m not at peace with one of my siblings in Christ, and yes of course, some of you know exactly who I’m talking about- and I’m not trashing this person, not in the least bit. I still care about this person- and if I knew how to bring peace towards our broken relationship I would.

“You can’t make peace, because that takes two people, but one person can bring peace.”

Dear Old Friend, in case you ever read this- I want to bring peace into our non-existent relationship, I’m not asking for friendship. Just peace. I also never had the chance to tell you that I forgave you... you are forgiven.