I saw convicts... I saw young people, I saw hurt and pain, I saw brokenness.
I saw professionals, I saw justice-makers.
I was afraid. I felt uncomfortable as men looked at me. I was angry. I wanted the right thing to be done. I was present. I was there for family.
Jesus, was also there with me. As my chest tightened over the constant rising of tension, as my hands shook over the decisions and discussions being made... I felt the necklace I constantly wear around my neck, impressing into my chest. I was reminded of His presence.
I was reminded that Jesus died so that I didn't have to be fearful, I was reminded that Jesus was beside me the whole time. I was reminded that Jesus was holding me and slaying the dragon [jj heller- keep you safe].
I was reminded... that where ever I am. Guatemala. School. Home. Here. Jesus is always and has always been there to be my best friend. To always stand beside me and comfort me in my times of loneliness, in my times of fearfulness, and in my times of desperateness. He has never, ever deserted me.
Jesus is present.