So... my summer wasn't over when I came home from Guatemala.
But, I let a lot of bitterness and resentment creep in my heart. I always imagine vines growing and then completely covering up a heart and choking it and squeezing it, taking out the life.
Because that's what those things do. I lost sight of everything I had learned because of one thing that didn't go the way I wanted it to.
I'm completely selfish... I still have so much to work on.
My prayer for this summer, as I posted on facebook was this :
for an open heart, a tender heart, a willing heart.
for new eyes, a fresh mind, and a pure soul.
for strength, to be vulnerable, to be humble, to be love.
But. Here's the thing. That should not be my prayer only for this past summer. It should be for my life. His mercies are new every morning. Why shouldn't the way I view the world be new too? Why did I find it so important to live this way this summer, in Guatemala, but am not finding it as important here?
Things to chew on my friends, things to chew on...
and trust me, I'm chewing.