The leaders of the group asked this question:
If you were to relate your relationship with God to a body of water, what would it be and why.
They also went a little more in depth; the one girl said that she was asked this same question a year ago, and it really put her relationship with God in perspective.
She said "Before you answer with an ocean- because your relationship is just soo deep, know that one person had said it was a tear, because of all the hurt in her life."
Other examples of tonight were a stream, a glacier, a waterfall, a lake, the splash mountain disney world ride.
I thought about it... and my first thought was a lake, but it really wasn't a lake.
As a little girl, I would always, always have a glass of water on my bedstand, just in case I got thirsty in the night. My relationship with God is that same glass of water- always there for me to take apart of- but I've been only taking apart of that water when either I want to or I need to.
Lately, I've been drinking that glass of water every night; and honestly, I'm afraid of slipping up again. But... let's face it- I will slip up again, and that glass of water is just gonna sit there and collect dust. But right now, I shouldn't worry about slipping up, I should being nurturing my body with that glass of water.
Well... I sure like to play with analogies!
I encourage anyone to answer that question for yourself, and I would love to hear your answers as well, if you're willing to share- I think you can leave comments, wether or not you have an account. Shalom.
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