I’ve sent my application to Nyack today.That’s where I’ve decided to transfer... it’s hard for me to say for certain that that is where I know I’m suppose to be... and the advice everyone gives is pray about it and God will make it clear. I’ve prayed about it, and the only thing I am clear about, is that I’m not suppose to be here. Which makes it really hard for me to leave, because I want to be here. I don’t want to leave, but I know I have to.
I shouldn’t have come back in the first place, I came back because I was being selfish. I came back because it was easiest. I came back because I was afraid. I am afraid of losing my good friends here; and now, I am afraid of transferring in the middle of the year... I know that I have to be involved, and it’s going to be a lot of work on my part; and I know that God will be there by my side through it all.
My reasons for choosing Nyack:
1- Closer to home
2- Great abroad programs
3- Close to NYC, so many ministry opportunities
If I am not accepted [which... is unlikely] I still won’t be returning to Greenville. Last year, I blamed my problems on being homesick... but I never was, so, I’m just saying that the distance is not the issue. My family has been having health issues in general. Specifically, my mother was battling breast cancer this summer but beat it in August. The doctors have found something on her ovaries now. As much as I want to say I’m stronger then this... I’m not, I’m just good at pretending. But, if anything happened to any of my family members, I want to be there for them, and being so far away, I can’t.
So... I regretfully say goodbye greenville...
-If you’re from GC reading this, please help me make the best of my last month and a half here, thanks.