But, I am in a very positive and happy mood.
Things are going pretty smoothly right now.
Where to begin. I'm really looking forward to this weekend, a dear friend of mine is going to be visiting me and we will probably also visit a few other people. I'm so excited! There will be more about that later in life. =]
For the most part, I can't complain about what's going on in my life, there's a few complications just like anyone else. But most of "the complications" are things that I just need to give to God. I was talking to a close friend the other night about how conflicted I was feeling and she gently reminded me that I need to just let God in on the decisions I'm trying to make on my own, He won't steer me wrong.
I was just like. CRAP. I did it again, I forgot to let God in on my life. It's pretty lame of me, I'm just so afraid to give that one part of my life over to him.. when He knows me better then anyone else. He knows what to choose for me, and He really will choose the right thing. oh trust.
Lastly, it's something I'm pretty excited about. I've finally come to a decision of what I will be doing [sort of]. I found a college to transfer to that seems great, and I'm pretty sure it's the place God wants me to go. Okay, I don't really know, but things have been happening that just seem right, and the idea of going to this school keeps growing on me more and more, and I get really excited thinking about being there in the future.
The only thing I need to figure out now is when to transfer. Right now, I just want to be at the place where I can finish the most credits. Unfortunately the school I'm thinking about transferring to does not have interterm or summer courses. So finishing in 3 years with a double major... definitely not going to happen. Which is okay, I think that this school is going to be a good fit for me. It's a small school located in a big place [20min from the city].
Diversity is calling my name.
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