And... I just found John 15: 9-17 to sum that up.

Today was an emotionally hard day. We started with a pig crastration, and then fed children who are disabled.
This child... was a mess. God's beautiful mess. He would not eat for me at first and then soon enough, he did. Then as I continued to feed him, he started laughing and continued laughing for a good 5-10 minutes.
There were so many children who couldn't do anything for themselves. And so many questions started pouring into my mind as to why and how and what. I don't understand it...
But, this boy who solely depends on other people for survival, was laughing and smiling and he filled my heart with joy. I have no reason to not be as happy as that boy when things are going wrong in my life.
Joy and peace. This is what sets me apart from people who don't know Jesus. At least, it should- there should be this internal prescense of Abba in me, all the time.
Always. Trusting in the knowledge that everything belongs to Him- my talents, my body, my relationships, my things, my life.
He gives and takes away- nothing in mine in the first place. James 1:2-4
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