Truth: the quality or state of being true
True: in accordance with fact and reality
The measurement of being in accordance with reality.
Honestly... I’ve been checking out for a while now. My head is filled with so many explanations. But, my words just aren’t enough.
I’ve been falling into depression. I don’t like to say that because I don’t think I know what true depression is. I’ve been falling apart though and I’m ashamed of my attitude, my actions, my words, but most of all I’m ashamed of myself. I want to hide under a rock and never come out...
I haven’t felt like myself since I’ve gotten to this school.
Change is hard...
We’re suppose to praise God at all times, even through our sufferings. I don’t ever praise God through my sufferings... I put Him in a corner until my life is the way I want it again.
I know... I should get on my hands and knees and cry out to God. I don’t trust Him nearly enough then I should...
I was talking to one of my oldest friends, she was telling me that she doesn’t trust anyone and I just couldn’t understand why, I wondered... what kind of life is one without trust? She asked me, do you trust anyone? I said, of course I do... I don’t share my life with people I don’t trust. I’ve been trying to live my life as an open book, as genuinely as I can and to be honest... it looked pretty nice, I looked like a smart, god-fearing, confident, independent woman. Lately... I look the complete opposite, when things don’t go the way I want... I throw a temper tantrum like a five year old, and I contort God’s will for my life to please me. I’m just as immature as I’ve ever been. I don’t trust anyone but myself... and it’s getting me in trouble.
I should trust the people who love me, who I love.
Trust: firm belief in the realiability, truth, ability, or strength of something or someone
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