Tuesday, December 27, 2011
I'm reading Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel, which is basically about calling yourself a Christian but not living like one.
This past year, I have learned how important it is to walk your talk.
But, prayer.
It is not only done in speaking form, or putting down your head and thinking words to God. It can be done through dance and music and writing and painting, in the same way we worship, we can also pray.
As soon as I read that, I wanted to grab my guitar and start praying. Unfortunately, my guitar is waiting for my hands at school. Then, I realized I've prayed to God in that way numerous of times, without even realizing it. Many times when I do play my guitar and try to write songs, I just sit there and play some chords and hope for the best to come out of my mouth... and sometimes I sing a lot of damn and hell.
As I write this blog, I realized too that this is another form of prayer for me.
Prayer is communication with God.
But it is also coming to him, with honesty and where we bare our souls.
So... come to God in whatever form you can come before Him and bare your soul and be honest with Him.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
So. Funny.
Always knowing how to get through to me.
I hate it.
I need it....
I've been in a very rough, dark spot the past few days... I'm not usually one to cry, but I've been crying constantly. It starts with self-pity.
It also begins with fear. Fear makes me cry the most.
It's clear to me what my struggles are... I've been in this same spot many times before. And I have to take an honest look at myself, and I'm lucky. I'm lucky to have people to encourage me. I'm lucky to have people that will be honest with me and I'm lucky to have people who will push me.
One of my friends likes to ask me about struggles that I seem to always come back to "Do you think you have learned anything from the last time, do you feel stronger, have you built upon it from last time?"
This time. Yes... I think I'm dealing with it in ways I haven't before. I'm also dealing with other things in a much more mature way than I have before.
I just can't get over this fact. That God made me, and thus He knows the best ways to get through to me. Wether it be lyrics playing in my head, friends who give me encouagement without knowledge of what's going on, friends who are intentional, or themes on repeat. He knows how to get my attention... and He wants it... but I'm too busy giving it away to my idols.
Abba, forgive me.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Yet, for whatever reason... my thoughts keep coming back to her and the people she has left behind and the way she has left this world.
It could happen to any of us. So, why Julie?
People are writing on her wall now... with so much unrest. People are so confused. People were so touched by this young lady...
My heart is hurting so much for this community. For the unanswered questions and the unsaid goodbyes.
She was gone in an instant with no forewarning. I should probably stop thinking so much about this... it's not doing any good... I can't imagine what this is doing to my friends who were close to her.
Abba, we need so much peace.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Consolation Prize
I'm not good enough to be first choice.
I see it from my childhood.
I see it in the relationships I have today.
It burdens me.
It hurts me.
It defines me.
It even warps who I really am. It warps how I see myself.
It destroys me.
Because I am overcome by negative emotions.
It disgusts me... because this... this is how I often treat God.
The things we often hate in others, is what we hate about ourselves.
I hate this feeling of loneliness, yet knowing... no one can console me, except my sweet Jesus. I need to cling to Him, so badly in times like these. But... I think I'm afraid, honestly. If I get to close to Jesus, He's not gonna want me either.
And even still... I know... I'm a smart girl... these are the lies I am buying into.
I was bought... because God believes in me.
God doesn't buy consolation prizes... no, no, He buys the real thing.
Bought. thank you God.
Monday, December 5, 2011
5 is my favorite.
Cor is over in 2 days, but I have considered it over with since last Monday.
Although. I do still need to do something for it, but I feel no pressure to get it done by a certain time... just the end of the semester. Maybe this weekend.
I almost had nothing to do this weekend and didn't know what to do with myself.
So... I did start a puzzle. I'm like an old lady, I love them.
Now that things are finally settling down, I have time to do other things. I've been picking up my guitar and playing it again, but my creative fire that I had earlier this semester that made me say "I love music" has gone away and now I am sitting here crying "I hate music"
Music is beautiful, but it can be so frustrating at times.
My problem is balance. I put almost everything I had into academics this semester. It payed off, extremely well... but I just don't really know where my semester went. I kind of shut everything off to deal with academics.
A girl that I worked with this summer asked what I had been learning about God lately... and I struggled to answer her. I've been reading these books... good Christian, life, living books like Crazy Love and now I'm reading The Christian Atheist. I've been reading how to talk the walk in a sense. I've been taking Bible classes where I'm learning to be more analytical of the Bible and questioning things I've never questioned and learning so much and... I love it. But... God?
I'm just continuing to struggle with the same things... and ignoring the things I don't want to deal with. But... I'm gonna have to wake up.
I just pray I continue to seek out God as my best friend. I hope I take enough time out of my day and pause and think about how exactly amazing He is.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Hypocrite Writer
I want my actions to speak loud enough.
I don't want to make a show of what I believe and not live it.
I want the things I say to match up with what I do.
I pray that my character is not misconceived.
I pray that what I say on here, matches up with what you, the reader sees.
I apologize, if I have been a hypocrite.
I hope in the future that you will call me out.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Basically... we wanted to hand out surveys and get a discussion out of it.
We put a lot of work into it though, and I was very impressed with our turn out; it surpassed our expectations. I'm also very proud and humbled with my group. I loved the unity and teamwork we put into this.
I also really enjoyed handing out our surveys and informing people of what was going on and what we've been researching this semester.
We [as in all the seniors] have put a lot of work into this... and I know we all dread it, but the presentation is good for us, it gives us a chance to exhibit our hard work and I think it should be honored.
I've really enjoyed this whole thing... okay... not all of it. But, there has been a lot of good things to come out of it. [I also know my grade is secure in the hands of our advisor...]
I've had the opportunity to interview people and hear their stories, and see how God has orchestrated and implemented things in their lives, and see the potential they have to influence others lives.
I've had the opportunity to work with two of my good friends that I've known since freshman year, which I had my hestancies, but it worked out very well. I also worked with two people that pleasantly surprised me.
My group has a lot of strengths and I was very blessed this semester.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Plan A
But, one thing has become crystal clear.
I have the passions I have for a reason.
I will be applying to work with a ministry full-time next year.
Full-time ministry.
This is hugely over-whelming.
This is a giganto commitment.
But... I can't imagine serving God any other way...
I've been so worried about making this desicion based on my wants and not God's. This has frustrated and discouraged me. I have a year to raise support for this. People have encouraged me... "If it's God's will He will make a way." I argue, "But, that's not how this works. I can do this and if I don't raise enough money at the end... I owe the organization money." The way I've been looking at it is... when it's all said and done, when I come to the end of my year of ministry and I don't earn the support... "This was all me, this was me chasing after my own selfish desires."And the idea of that upsets me so much... that once again, I am putting myself before my Jesus, who gave his life for me.
I don't know... that doubt will probably rest in my heart for some time.
But, I do have hope.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Personal Day
Today was so wonderful and needed. I almost started forgetting there's a world outside of the greenville bubble.
I took this morning to do whatever I wanted. No worries. Listening to Lori Mckenna.
Being by myself in a sense, and seeing human beings I've never seen before for 3 hours was a reminder to get outside of myself. To see how I act when people don't know how I act. Whenever we enter into something new, we have this opportunity to almost be whoever we want. I think it's a lot harder to change ourselves than we would like though. I know there are things about me that will inherently be who I am and what I do. And yepp... those things may be... "predictable" but... I also think those are the things I want to be known for.
I tend to get lost in myself at school. I tend to get comfortable. I stick with what I know. I let people read me... and I try to fall into what I think they expect from me; instead of giving them what I want them to know me as. Does that make sense?
My family is a great example. They've always known me as this quiet little turtle. That's what they expect from me... and when I say something and speak up, they're surprised and think it's out of character for me. Sometimes the quiet turtle works out to my advantage... but honestly I can't sit here and complain about how people put stereotypes on people and ask them to do the changing. If I want to be known for something, then I have to work to be known for it. I have to give people a reason to rethink what they have thought.
Anyway. Getting out of Greenville today helped me re-evaluate and gave me time to be with me. Even though I'm basically rooming by myself this semester, I never have time to quiet my mind, I'm always thinking about this, that and the other and things I need to get done and what's next in my week and my day and my life.
Friday, October 28, 2011
I'm pissed that I put my self-worth in how skinny or not skinny I am.
I look in a mirror and when I see these rolls... I don't think I'm good enough.
After losing weight... and gaining some of it back... I think... I'm losing my beauty.
And. that is so messed up.
I see pictures online that tell me, if I'm not working out, if I'm not running. Than I must be lazy, I must not care about my health, I must not be determined enough.
What I see in those pictures and what I see in some people... is that unless I have a flat stomach, I will not be desirable. I will not be anything. That I don't have a place in this world. That I'm not beautiful. That if I don't literally work my ass off... I will be alone.
And when I do work out... I think people must think I am a poser. That it's some sort of joke. I think if I walk instead of run on the treadmill... people are going to think that I can't do it, that I'm not trying hard enough.
I'm pissed that I think this way. I'm pissed that our society has made numerous people think this way. I want so much to be okay with who I am... with whatever number is on the scale, at any given time.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Just One More...
Of course... my mother would probably think they are great right now.
I no longer stay up late having sleepover talk.... with anybody.
Nope. I stay up late doing homework.
I've been putting school as my number one this semester because... I'm so determined to graduate on time.
It's not even right...
Because something that has been so inherent in me is a focus on relationships. That hasn't been happening. Most importantly... my relationship with God is stale. And just like my friendships, I know that deep-down, nothing is wrong, God will not shun me, my friends still want to hang out with me, even though I've been absent.
But here's the deal. I know. I've always known. Relationships at the end of the day, that's what matters.
So... why have I been screwing this up?
Not sure... I'm working that out.
Until then... I'm going to listen to Lori Mckenna. She's my singer/songwriter heroine I've decided. She has so much soul... and simply listening to her soul... brings me to tears. I want to write like that. I also. Would love to see her in concert/meet her.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Set Free
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
See. I was calling out your name.
And. I didn't think you heard me.
So. I ran.
I ran... as fast as I could and as fast as I can.
I ran.
Not wanting to withstand, what really sits in my soul.
It wasn't you that didn't hear me.
I didn't want to face up. I didn't want you to see how much I screwed up.
I didn't want to admit that I'm not enough.
Woke up in loneliness.
Drowning in my sorrows.
My soul, crying out for freedom.
My heart, feeling heavier than it's ever been.
I didn't know what was wrong. The sun was still shining down, shining strong.
I was so desperate for love. affection. satisfaction.
But I couldn't own up to what was holding me back.
I couldn't face the facts.
I couldn't really look at the bottom of the cup and see the reflections of all the ugliness.
To fix everything.
But. Not the problem.
To be everything for everyone.
But. Not my true self.
To appear unbroken.
To please the world with a smile.
To really be seen for exactly who you are.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Thoughts with Jane
Sometimes, I am secure in my Abba, He is my Father and I am His child. Then, some time goes by and I forget. I forget how precious I am to Him.
I start relying on people... for the things I NEED to rely on Him for.
It can become so bad, and so messy, and so sad...
I start relying on my friends, for my happines, my security. I was catching up with a summer staffer tonight and she was sharing some of her thoughts about the same thing, she said "it's unfair for me to put that expectation on my friends."
My completeness should be coming from God.
Sometimes, I am do really well with my completeness in God. Other times... I feel so foolish, for always coming back to this. I feel like... I can't move on until I deal with this. I want to be grounded in God, I won't be able to get anywhere else if I'm not.
Slightly change of subject, but my conversation with my summer staffer was fantastic and on point. I have felt distant from God, but not really, because in this perfect [on paper] Christian setting, I am surrounded by God and His Word. I don't feel like something is wrong in my relation with God, but I don't feel good about it either. We talked about how a Christian atmosphere can be nurturing or stifling. I said to her... in Guatemala, it was nurturing, then I realized it was because usually... I was outside of my comfort zone.
Once again. We are not called to be comfortable and I have challenges in front of my face that first of all, I should bring to Jesus and second of all, will push me out of my comfort zone. Because... I don't want to be nice to someone who's being a jerk to me. But... that's what Jesus' wants and where He goes, I'll go.
Yeah... Abba used that girl tonight to speak to me (thank you to both)... and He got through pretty clear.
Abba, thank you for your Holy Spirit, that intercedes on my behalf, even when I'm not intentional. Thank you, for speaking to me through people and patiently waiting for my response. You are so gracious, Abba.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
If you sit there and think about it enough.
I did... I'm taking a class that is studying the Gospel of John. 9 times. It is mentioned at least 9 times in the book of John, chapters 1-12.
I've only scratched the surface of it too...
I mean... light... is so dynamic. As I came on here deciding what to write about and named this post, I wondered what kind of picture I could use. Then, I thought about how photographers play with light.
Now... I'm thinking how important light is.... photographers need it... without it... well, their pictures would probably come out pretty crappy, unless they know exactly what they are doing.
And, we need it. I love it. I love well lit areas.
I cried the first day I went to Nyack because there were no ceiling lights in my dorm room. Yeah. I love light that much.
I can't stand (granted, I can tolerate them much better) dim lit areas. It depends on what I'm doing.
But... okay... getting side-tracked here. Light in the Bible. Jesus is the light of the world. (John 8:12) God is light (1 John 1:5). And... then all the other times (that I've studied) Jesus continually talks about stumbling in the darkness and then 1 John (2:9-11) tells us that in order to live in the light we need to love our fellow believers. And, get this... if we hate our fellow believers, we're living in the dark.
Here's another aspect of light. You know the saying... "I've seen the light!" Where did that come from?!
God is truth. God is light. truth=light.
When people say that... they've recognized the folly of their ways, haven't they?
Light. It shows all the flaws, it is not deceitful. In the dark... it's dangerous and secretive... it's scary.
Granted... darkness does have its place. But... when we're in the light, we're showing the world who we are and we're living in truth. And truth... that results in community.
That. was a tangent. But... I got excited about it and wanted to share my thoughts.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The squandered opportunities.
The chances I could have taken to make a difference.
The work that could have been accomplished.
I can't go back and change what I did and did not do.
I can only look forward and move ahead.
Yet, here I am... twidling my thumbs, hoping that if I worry about it enough... something will change.
It will not. It never does.
I've stayed awake countless nights, hoping that somehow, in the morning... it will go away.
Here I am again... staying awake, hoping the world will disappear.
I bring these things upon myself, I know.
I could do so much better with the things I've been given.
So much good could be accomplished.
I could be a better friend. a better daughter. a better granddaughter. a better cousin. a better christian.
I could be thinner. healthier. more studious. more artistic. more outgoing. more fearless.
I could be striving to be perfect.... because I am.... I am striving for perfection. But... I'm not and I will never make it there.
I could stop beating myself up. I could stop trying to do this on my own.
I could start giving it up to Abba, giving Him control.
I could start listening, start seeing, start being.... whatever Abba is calling me.
Today... was a waste. Tomorrow... is a new day. His mercies are new.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Grace, Security, Rest and Struggles
I always stake my identity in the wrong things. Labels, music, friends, sickness even. Anything that I think gives me a clear idea of who and what I am and how to live.
And I've been challenged. Always, always challenged... the more I learn and the more I experience, the more I can relate to others. The more I see the pain other people are dealing with.
It breaks my heart to think about the things that some people go through. I am so thankful for the faith some of my friends have in Jesus, and the security they have in Him as well.
Yeah. They'll be the first to admit they are just as scared as I am. But they haven't given up.
I don't know where my journey is leading me... I don't know if or how my life will change drastically in the next year. I'm scared... I'm so afraid of the repercussions of my choices. But, nothing separates me from the love of my Abba. Nothing.
THAT is ALL I can rest in. THAT is my security.
Here ya go world. I struggle with my identity in God. I can't comprehend His love for me. I've always struggled with it, and I probably always will. But, I do want to be complete in Him.
I am struggling. I am not as strong as I pretend to be... please, pray for me if you will.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
As I have begun my senior year of college, and wondered where it went, I look back at all the changes. I look back through all the friends I have made, I look back at each year and know I was in a different place each time. I look back and I see the Constant.
These thoughts brought me to tears today during worship. So thankful for every individual that Abba has brought into my life. So thankful for the dear friends that have stuck with me since we began this journey.
So overwhelmed with Abba's love for me... to take the care into forming this world and giving me a place in it.
This summer God spoke to me a lot about community and gave me an idea of what that looks like. He's given me a somewhat clear picture of how I am suppose to live my life, according to His will. Of course, I'm not sure how it's going to look, exactly. But, I know it's something I can't do on my own, and I keep getting hung up on that part... I keep looking at it independently. I bring this up, because taking that risk is scary!! And as I told a friend- "I know, Jesus takes care of the birds. But... I'm not a bird!" And, he gently reminded me- "you're right, you're not a bird, you are more important to God than the birds. So, if God takes care of them, He's going to take care of you."
Honestly... God has given me no reason to doubt Him. But my head and heart knowledge are not on the same page. And as a human; I want control. But, as I have also recently read in Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" I need to get over myself; like I said earlier, God gave me a place in HIS world, I don't call the shots.
Ha... I started this post on a completely different topic.
I guess... senior year is for this; to figure out what's next.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
God is not a Man
I just wish people would look at this other side of God. Because God is not a man. There is a song, by Michael Gungor entitled "God is Not a White Man"
These are some of his lyrics:
God is not a man
God is not a white man
God is not a man sitting on a cloud
God cannot be bought
God will not be boxed in
God will not be owned by religion
God is love.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
This is it
I've had this plan, in my head since 2009. After college, I was going to do this.
After college... that's eight months or so away. EIGHT.
It felt like... I thought... college, doesn't last forever. The wonderful friends that turned into my family, some of them practically overnight... we're all gonna split ways... oh my gosh. hello college nostalgia.
College. What a crazy adventure this has been... I'm not at all the person I was coming into this place. No, I am, I am the same person, but Abba has done, mighty, mighty things in me. My views on life have changed.
I've also left some things on this journey, and have been returning to these things recently. That is where my heart has always been... I am so passionate about these things. And to not be involved where my passions lie, that would be for naught, I want to use my passions and I want to use my abilities to futher God's kingdom.
These things are instilled within me, and to deny them would be for shame.
After college. A huge step. A risk and a commitment that I want to make.
I need to do my best and I need to go where I feel Abba calling me.
How exciting is this life I have been given.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Humble Oneself
See... feet are dirty and filthy, and Jesus humbled himself to wash that mess, and he told the disciples too, "follow my example." Because, there's this wonderfulness behind that dirty mess, there's potential in everyone to do good things.
So, basically I want to see that potential in others, and I think that is my way to humble myself.
Like I said in my last post, I struggled this summer when I got home. And, I don't give my parents enough credit. They are my biggest supporters, and they probably believe the most in me (I guess that's kinda what parents do though). I tell my mom that I have an idea, and she is more than willing to put some fire into my heart for it and give me the tools to achieve my passions. My dad... is trying. When I speak out about what's wrong, he wants to fix it... he wants to change it.
"Everybody needs compassion." right? Yeah, even the parents. They can't be perfect, just like their offspring can't either.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Summer vs Life
So... my summer wasn't over when I came home from Guatemala.
for an open heart, a tender heart, a willing heart.
for new eyes, a fresh mind, and a pure soul.
for strength, to be vulnerable, to be humble, to be love.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
God is Masterful
Friday, July 29, 2011
Jesus is Present
Monday, July 18, 2011
Dear Guatemala
Monday, July 11, 2011
God is Alive
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
All I Want
Monday, July 4, 2011
God is Patient
I am like a little snot-nosed kid that stomps her feet until she gets her way.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Pouring out His Joy
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Lay 'em down
Thursday, June 16, 2011
God is Rest
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Summer Staff
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
God is Giving
The graciousness of these people keep astounding me.
Yet again, another lesson that I have been learning here in Guatemala is that not only am I trying to be Jesus to these people, but these people are also Jesus.
To see Jesus in these people. God’s presence. Jose, my site leader, his goal is to always capture God’s presence in our photos.
Today we tagged along with the Art Site and made some home visits. One room living conditions... darkness, flies, dirty cement floor, and a loving family of 7.
The one boy goes to the art school, and he actually sells his paintings to help earn money for his family. I sat there observing, and I could see how proud his mother was of him, and I could feel the love of God resonating in that room.
His family proceeded in handing everyone a glass of orange juice. These people do not have much. One lesson I can learn from them; is to be more giving. If they can give to us, people who have done nothing for them, than I, who has a numerous amount of things can give to others as well.
God gives... with no expectation of receiving anything in return. This is what love is.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Oh, these women inspire me so much so.
Friday, May 27, 2011
This is What I do.

God is Joy